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The benefits of postnatal support

Every mother needs and deserves support after birth

*When you receive intensive postnatal support as a new mother, you’re more likely to feel rested and revitalised. In cultures where they give this support, new mothers feel more energetic and valued. It’s an investment in the mothers and families.

Compared to mothers in Australia, who usually aren’t supported, and feel exhausted and overwhelmed for weeks, months or longer.

*Your mental health is more likely to be protected and healthy. In cultures around the world,

where new mothers are supported and cared for, postpartum mood disorders are much lower.

If, as a new mother, you receive the postnatal support and care you need to rest and recover from birth, you are also more likely to have healthy mental health.

*You are more likely to successfully breastfeed if you have practical and emotional support from those around you. When those around you do everything except feed the baby and you are encouraged on your breastfeeding journey by them. This is the biggest indicator of breastfeeding success.

*It strengthens your relationship with your partner. You grow closer as a couple.

When you and your partner communicate with each other both before and after baby arrives, you’re more clear about and understand each other’s thoughts about parenting, etc. Talk to each other about your concerns, needs and dreams.

*You will have a village to support you and feel a part of your community as a new mother.

If you start to build your village before your arrives, you will have the support you need as a new mother. Village includes other mums with babies, baby friendly cafes, professionals and much more. Some of these people will become friends for years and you will support each other through life’s ups and downs.

*You will have time and energy to spend with your older children. They will feel loved and special and less likely to feel jealous or left out. When you’re being supported and cared for, and your village is caring for your older children part of the time, your family can find balance and harmony.

*You feel confident to mother your baby your unique way. When you feel loved, listened to, and nurtured , you feel confident to try different things with your baby, make mistakes without judgement and find what works for you and your family.

I’m Libby. I’m a postnatal doula. I support new mothers after birth. I want all new mothers to receive the support they need and deserve, so they can enjoy this sacred window of new motherhood.

I also run free postnatal planning workshops in Castlemaine for expecting parents. To book a place or two in my workshop, leave your details on my website.

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